純色粉套裝 (常規6色) Pigment set (Basic 6 colors)
- 精選源自法國、日本純色粉 Premium selected pigments from France and Japan
- 每樽大約10g Each bottle is about 10g
Basic 6 colors : red, yellow, blue, magenta, black, white
純色粉套裝 (常規6色) Pigment set (Basic 6 colors)
純色粉套裝 (常規6色) Pigment set (Basic 6 colors)
換貨條件 Return policy:
- 退回的商品需完好無損和附件齊全(包含膠袋未拆開/特殊包裝完善),不影響二次銷售之全新商品 The returned products must be intact and complete with all accessories (including unopened plastic bags/complete special packaging), which will not affect re-selling of the product.
- 商品必須未使用過 The product must be unused.
- 以下為無法換貨之情況及非瑕疵範圍之說明 The following is the conditions of the non-exchangeable situation:
- 收貨後超過七天才通知本店 Goods exchange request is over 7 days after goods receiving date
- 非質量問題 Non-defective products
- 商品配件不全或損毀 Incomplete / used / damaged product
- 特價貨品 Discounted items
- 色差:購買前請理解及同意因產品顏色與色調於不同環境及不同瀏覽裝置顯示上會有所不同,產品實物顏色與圖片中的顏色有機會有色差。Before purchase, it should be understood and agreed that the hue and color tone would look different in different settings, environment, and on different device displays. It is possible that the color of the actual product is slightly different from the photos shown on our website.
出貨時間 Order Processing Time
訂單確認後,現貨大約3-5個工作天內寄出。若顧客於網店下單後我們發現沒有現貨,我們會立刻為客人補貨,需時大約 14-21 個工作天不等,如有需要請先向我們查詢庫存狀況才下單。Available items will be delivered in 3-5 business days. Ordered items may be out-of-stock. For all out-of-stock items, we will place an order for you at our earliest. Re-stock items will take approximately 14-21 business days to be delivered. Please contact us for updated inventory before you place an order.
送貨方式 Delivery or Pick up
所有貨品均以順豐速遞寄出,客人亦可選門市自取。All orders are delivered by SF Express. Self Pick-up is also available.
貨物寄出後,如有需要更改地址,請自行聯絡順豐速運另作安排。衍生的額外費用必須自付。Once the order is shipped out, any changes in the address shall be arranged with SF Express by contacting their Customer Service directly. Any incurred expenses shall be borne by the customer.
如顧客因個人理由未能收件,請自行與順豐速運聯絡安排。如貨件屢次派送失敗,你的訂單可能會被取消,本公司不作退款。If the shipment cannot be successfully delivered to the customer due to personal reasons, please contact SF Express directly in order to make further arrangements. If the delivery cannot be reached multiple times, your order might risk being cancelled and not refunded.
運費 Shipping Fee
購物淨額滿HK$600,即免運費(只限工商地址、順豐店及順豐智能櫃);購物淨額未滿HK$600,運費由收貨人到付。減價品一律不包郵並以順豐到付寄出。Free shipping every order over HK$600 (only to industrial/commercial address/SF express store/ SF express locker). For order below HK$600, the shipping fee will be paid by the receiver to SF express. Shipping cost of all discounted items will be paid by the receiver to SF Express.
貨品寄出後,我們會以Whatsapp順豐單號給顧客。SF Express order tracking number will be sent to you by whatsapp.
送貨範圍 Areas in Service
標準配送服務地區包括香港島、九龍及新界。指定地區不設配送服務,包括但不限於︰離島、大浪灣、羅湖、大澳、小蠔灣、蒲台島。Delivery is available within Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and New Territories, This service is NOT available in specified areas, including but not limited to: Outlying Islands, Big Wave Bay, Lo Wu, Tai O Island, Siu Ho Wan and Po Toi Islands.
順豐客戶服務 SF Express Customer Service
查詢熱線 Service Hotline: +852 2730 0273
服務時間: 逢一至五為上午8時至下午8時30分;六日及公眾假期為上午8時至下午8時。Service Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 8:00 am – 8:30pm & Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: 8:00 am – 8:00pm